When I am alone, I like to do listen to music or sing. Because I love to sing and listen to musics. It is one of my habits. It just make me feel better and exciting.
And other thing is that I am doing internet when I am alone. It just fun and you can do anything in internet. There are so much of thing that you can do nowdays. I usually check my mail or chat with my friends or just hang around some sites.
And another thing is that I am just watching TV or DVD or play videogames sometimes. When most people are alone and got bored, they probably do watching TV or play vidieogames. That is simple and easy and normally to do because there are a lot of exciting or intersting stuffs.
댓글 1개:
You certainly keep busy when you are alone. What kinds of songs do you sing when you are alone? Do you sing any songs in English or only in Korean? Do you read much when you are alone?
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